Enhance Your Health with Smart Lighting Solutions

Enhance Your Health with Smart Lighting Solutions

Enhance Your Health with Smart Lighting Solutions

When we talk about smart lighting solutions, we often emphasize the convenience and luxury of controlling your lighting when, where and how you choose.

However, we’ve never discussed in detail how much your health can improve from circadian-based lighting within your Minnetonka, Minnesota, home. Today, we’ll reveal some basic information about Ketra’s tunable lighting, and how it can boost your productivity or help you relax, both critical factors in our wellbeing.


But, wait, what’s tunable lighting, and how will it work within your home?

When Lutron acquired Ketra, their partnership merged Lutron’s superior lighting control inventions with Ketra’s outstanding wellness initiatives. Ketra developers discovered how circadian lighting aligns with our biological need to experience bright, blue light to stay productive and warmer, dimmer light to relax — and created a product that imitates natural sunlight.

As we discuss how light brilliance and color affects our health, we’ll discover that timing is everything. How does Ketra create a lifestyle change through light?

Ketra’s intuitive sensors can detect the amount of lighting outside and respond by emitting the level of brightness and tone that you need for optimal health. Ketra LEDs are custom designed with multiple color filaments — in blue, green, red and white — that emit different tones per time of day. Ketra fully integrates with Lutron’s marquee lighting control product, HomeWorks QS.

SEE ALSO: What Smart Lighting Solution Is Best for Your Home?


Have you ever woken up in the morning, unwilling to take on your tasks? Maybe you had plans to keep that 6 a.m. personal trainer appointment or make a nutritious breakfast, but you felt too unmotivated to pursue your goals.

The lighting our bodies crave during the morning and early afternoon hours is either sunlight or an LED emission that replicates sunlight. Not ironically, the light that burns the brightest and produces the most energy invigorates humans, helping us perform our tasks with energy and focus.

A recent survey conducted by Harris Poll reveals that 89 percent of Americans say that exposure to natural light elevates their mood, while 87 percent say that sunlight exposure has a favorable effect on productivity, alertness and brain function. Kickstart each day with tunable lighting, and you’ll experience more energy and focus for any activity the day brings.


Conversely, when you get home from work and settle in, you’re going to want a calmer ambiance to prepare you for a relaxing evening, dinner and full night of sleep.

That’s why our doctors warn us against scrolling through our phones right before we go to bed: Their blue light inhibits our mind’s ability to wind down from our daily activities.

Light lower on the Kelvin scale looks warmer to the eye, and studies have shown that its glow stimulates melatonin, the human body’s sleep hormone. Ketra lighting has a “warm dimming” feature that corresponds to our body’s natural rhythm, allowing restful nights and sleep.


Do you take care of your body but still feel a little sluggish? If you want more productive days with more peaceful nights, circadian lighting might be the hidden key to your wellbeing.

To learn more about our lighting control services or to schedule a hassle-free consultation, call us at (612) 353-5087, fill out our contact form or chat with us below.

We can’t wait to talk to you about improving your life through lighting!

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