Top Benefits of Meeting Room Automation

Top Benefits of Meeting Room Automation

Top Benefits of Meeting Room Automation

Avoid Workplace Frustrations with the Latest Technology from Lelch AV

Corporate office and workplace trends have undergone significant transformation in recent years, primarily driven by technological advances and shifts in work culture. Not only has the rise of remote and hybrid work models reshaped physical office spaces and necessitated the adoption of sophisticated communication tools and collaborative platforms, but the influx of more powerful technologies has demanded companies invest in their digital infrastructure to support video conferencing and cloud-based services for seamless connectivity. 

Below, we explore how updated meeting room automation solutions can remove common frustrations we’ve all experienced. If you’re a decision-maker in your Minneapolis company, your colleagues and employees want you to keep reading to learn more.

SEE ALSO: The Benefits of Commercial Lighting Solutions and AV Automation

Better Meetings Are Possible with Automation

Picture the following scenario, which has likely happened to you: you experience meeting delays because of technical difficulties, such as connecting to projectors or setting up the teamwide conference call.

Those days are gone with an automated boardroom or meeting space where all technological aspects are streamlined and can be controlled effortlessly from a single interface. The room prepares for engaging presentations by automatically dimming the lights and lowering shades to showcase your powerful presentation on the large 4K display. This presentation is not only at the front of the room but also on secondary screens placed throughout the room so all participants can see the material. 

Once the presentation is over, tap a button to brighten the room and raise the shades to let in invigorating natural light. As employees begin to collaborate, toggle the displays between participants with wireless device connections that make screen sharing laptops, smartphones, and other devices a breeze.  

When the meeting is over and staff members leave the space, the room’s temperature, lighting, and shades adjust based on occupancy, reducing energy consumption. Building automation is a long-term energy savings improvement every company can afford to consider.

Room Booking Software Removes Common Frustrations

Imagine the frustration when two internal teams schedule the same meeting space simultaneously due to a lack of visibility in room bookings. Even worse is when this occurs with a client or vendor. Unfortunately, these things still happen in 2024 when using old-fashioned paper calendars and inadequate booking software systems.

Instead, Lelch uses room scheduling features like those from Crestron to integrate existing calendar platforms so employees can see real-time availability and book spaces accordingly. Each booking slot can list the available video conferencing solutions, seat counts, and other valuable criteria employees need to know when reserving the appropriate room for their work needs. 

Double-booking becomes a thing of the past, plus your team can maximize each room’s full potential. They can reserve spaces without AV for informal coffee chats, while high-dollar client presentations get priority booking for boardrooms with cutting-edge AV inside.

We’re Improving Productivity with Automation & AV

It’s time to bring your meetings, training sessions, and presentations into a new era. Automation technology can make collaborative problem-solving, information sharing, and high-dollar presentations more effective.
Let’s keep exploring commercial AV together. Chat with a team representative at the bottom of your screen, or fill out our contact form to begin. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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